Wir bewegen und begeistern Menschen. Einfach. Nachhaltig. Voraus.Die AMAG Gruppe gehört zu den 50 grössten Schweizer Unternehmen. Unsere Vision ist es, uns zur führenden Anbieterin nachhaltiger individueller Mobilität zu entwickeln. Für dieses Ziel setzen ...
... deine Ansprechpartnerin: Sara Schilder Recruiting Specialist Tel.: 0541 38 05 38 ...
... Empathie. Ansprechpartner Janina Peikow HR Specialist Recruiting & Mitarbeiterbindung Online bewerben Weitere ...
... a high demand for qualified specialists. Your impact Construction of energy- ...
Stellenbeschreibung You will benefit from a wide range of career opportunities and a deep insight into international markets and trade relations. A highlight of your training is the internship abroad, which can last up to three months. Your impact ...
Stellenbeschreibung In just two years, you will gain a practical qualification in metalwork that opens up a wide range of career opportunities in the industry. Your impact Maintenance of machinery and equipment Manufacturing, assembling and ...
Stellenbeschreibung You will learn essential skills in the design and administration of IT systems and will be a valuable communication interface between all areas of the company. Your impact Planning, installation, configuration, commissioning and ...
... . Ihr Kontakt: Caterina Mendel (Talent Specialist) Tel.: Mail: Bitte bewerben Sie ...
... customers, who act in the specialist electric solateur channel in order ...
... Empathie. Ansprechpartner Janina Peikow HR Specialist Recruiting & Mitarbeiterbindung Online bewerben Weitere ...