Das Jugendhaus Goldstein-Schwanheim ist Treffpunkt und Anlaufstelle für junge Menschen im Alter von 13 bis 21 Jahren. Neben offenen Angeboten im freizeitpädagogischen Bereich, geschlechtsspezifischer Gruppenarbeit sowie schulischen und beruflichen Hilfen ...
... of gender, nationality, ethnic or social background, religion, disability, age and ...
... , nationality, parental status, personal or social status, political affiliation, race, religion ...
My name is Se. We have 2 children (Boy, 11), (Girl, 8). Feel free to contact me so we can make an appointment.
Hallo Wir bruchten fr unsere 5 jhrige Tochter Carla einmal pro Woche eine Betreuung nach dem Kindergarten fr ca 3 Stunden. Dazu wrde gehren, die Kleine vom Kindergarten im Nordend abzuholen. Wir selbst wohnen Grenze Westend Nord Dornbusch. Zudem wre ...
We have two wonderful girls that need to be taken care of while I will be working during regular hours. The mother is weakened so she would need essentially to rest and to rely on a nanny to take care of the kids during days.
... , nationality, parental status, personal or social status, political affiliation, race, religion ...
We are Paul and Fanny, parents of two adorable little girls. Malo, who turns two in August and Gaelle who was born in March 2024. Currently based in Paris, we are moving to Frankfurt at the beginning of August. We are therefore looking for a caring nanny ...
Welcome to our profile We have a 14 month old baby girl named Gaia, who will be attending nursery school in beginning of September There forever we would occasionally need someone to pick her up from nursery school or watch her on early evenings while mom ...
Wir sind eine junge Familie in Frankfurt Bockenheim und suchen eine zuverlssige Babysitterin um hin und wieder unsere Tochter Amalia zu betreuen. Amalia ist ein kontaktfreudiges Kind, generell sehr ausgeglichen und hat zum Glck keine gesundheitlichen ...