Stellenbeschreibung: KEiNE ZEITARBEIT ++ KOSTENFREIE DiREKTVERMITTLUNG:Für ein Dresdener Unternehmen suchen wir ab sofort einen Monteur m/w/d für Fenster, Türen und Brandschutzelemente zur unbefristeten Vollzeitbeschäftigung.Stellenkennwort: SH2801FENST+ + + KONDITIONEN + + +- Verdien...
Our international semiconductor operations consultancy is currently searching for a Project Manager to oversee completion of projects and to deliver results to customers. The ideal candidate will have hands-on experience working at semiconductor frontend (Fabs) or backend (Assy & Test) factories wit...
Our international semiconductor operations consultancy is currently searching for a Project Manager to oversee completion of projects and to deliver results to customers. The ideal candidate will have hands-on experience working at semiconductor frontend (Fabs) or backend (Assy & Test) factories wit...
Our international semiconductor operations consultancy is currently searching for a Project Manager to oversee completion of projects and to deliver results to customers. The ideal candidate will have hands-on experience working at semiconductor frontend (Fabs) or backend (Assy & Test) factories wit...
(Senior) Manager Finance Transformation (w/m/d) Job-Nr: 1744 Standorte: Dresden Karrierelevel: Berufserfahrene Anstellungsart: Festanstellung in Vollzeit oder Vollzeitnah Begleite KPMG bei den zukünftigen Herausforderungen unserer Kunden und Kundinnen. Begeistere auchDu Dich für die Vielfalt unserer...